Find Lost Treasure By Metal Detecting in the Woods

If you are avid metal detecting fan you are always looking for new places to discover treasure. You may like to go to the beach, to the park, or different playgrounds in your area. These obviously are wide open spaces and give you a lot of area you can cover with the metal detector. But you know what; metal detecting in the woods can be just as much fun and just as profitable.

If you decide to metal detecting in the woods here are some things you may consider and the places that you may look. You can look on old trails, trail made in the past that had now overgrown, trails used for wagons in the past, and anywhere there are signs that houses may have been in the area.

Back before automobiles and streets were readily accessible people had to make their own trails so along the way they would stop. Just like coins that you find in your seat cushions or in your car that have fallen out of your pocket the same thing could have happened to people who used these trails. Also, maybe during these travels they decided that some of the stuff they were carrying was too heavy and put it aside.

Many times houses that used to sit in the woods are no longer there and have not been there for quite awhile. People used to live in these houses so obviously they have possessions and any time you have a house there will be old remnants left behind. Over time they just get covered up and wait for you to come get them.

A good way to make metal detecting in the woods profitable is to go to a library in your area and see if there were any maps from a while back. If you do find maps this will give you a good idea of where some trails and where houses were located there are no longer there. Once you find where the houses and trails were located, bingo, you may just found the jackpot.

If you're looking for a new place to metal detect and a new adventure try the woods in your area, just think about people who have lived there in the past and some of the stuff they may have left behind. Finding treasure in the woods may be easier than you think.

J C Christian is an avid follower of metal detectors and how metal detectors work. He runs an informational site that follows Garret Metal Detectors, Fisher Metal Detectors, Tesoro Metal Detectors, and Kellyco Metal Detectors just to name a few. Go to to find information to help with everything metal detecting.

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Metal detecting evolution

It really is hard to believe that metal detectors have been around for much longer than many people know. It was towards the end of the 19th Century that many scientists and engineers began to use their growing knowledge of electrical theory in order to develop a machine which would pinpoint the exact location of metal. Certainly the use of such an instrument would provide a huge advantage to any miner who was looking for ore bearing rocks. Then a German physicist by the name of Heinrich Wilhelm Dove invented the induction balance system which was incorporated in to the production of metal detectors 100 years later.

Many of the early metal detectors were crude and used a lot of battery power and they often only worked to a very limited degree. In fact Alexander Graham Bell used one in 1881 to try and locate the position of a bullet which was lodged in the back of the then American President James Garfield after his assassination.

However, the real development of the modern metal detector began in the 1930's when Dr Gerhard Fischer produced a system for radio direction finding and was used to accurately navigate pilots around the world. Although this system worked extremely well there were some anomalies noticed by Dr Fischer when over terrain that carried ore bearing rocks or metal was placed close to the system. He therefore reasoned that it should be possible to design a machine which would detect metal using a search coil resonating at a particular radio frequency. So in 1937 he applied for and was granted the first patent for a metal detector. He soon found that his designs were being put to a more practical use as they were used to help detect mines during the Second World War. Although they were heavy, consisting of a vacuum tube and required separate battery packs they worked and after the war many of the surplus mine detectors that were on the market were being purchased by relic hunters who not only used them for fun but for profit as well and so the hobby of metal detecting was born.

Soon more and more manufacturers were producing their own versions of the metal detector from the Oremaster Geiger Counter produced by Whites Electronics of California in the 1950's through to Charles Garrett who invented and produced the BFO (Beat Frequency Oscillator) metal detector (and Garrett's is still one of the world's leading designers of metal detectors today).

But it was during the 1950's and 1960's because of the invention and development of transistors that many metal detector designers and manufacturers were able to make smaller lighter machines with improved circuitry and were able to run on much smaller battery packs. They were even reduced to a size that a child would able to handle easily and many did. In fact there was such a huge requirement for these early models that Companies sprang up not just in the USA but in Britain as well hoping to supply the growing demand.

Even today the trend for metal detecting as a hobby still continues and the companies such as Garrett Metal Detectors and Fischer Metal Detectors are still producing new designs and models all the time.

J C Christian is an avid follower of metal detectors and how metal detectors work. He runs an informational site that follows Garret Metal Detectors, Fisher Metal DetectorsFisher Metal Detectors, Tesoro Metal Detectors, and Kellyco Metal Detectors just to name a few. Go to to find information to help with everything metal detecting.

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Gold Metal Detectors

Gold metal detectors are used to find small and large gold nuggets. Small and slightly small gold nuggets can be detected at medium depths. Large gold nuggets are the most difficult to search and locate. Gold metal detectors have ground balance modes for alkali soils and black sands for smooth operation. The maximum sensitivity of a gold detector helps to locate small gold bits at greater depths. It can operate with ideal frequencies for locating gold nuggets. The search coil used in gold metal detectors is water proof. Additional features of gold metal detectors are meter display, manual group balancing adjustment and discrimination adjustment. These supplementary features vary with the technology used in each type.

Gold metal detectors are generally based on digital technology. They have automatic and manual modes. The auto-trac feature cancels the ground minerals in seconds and then tracks to the changing conditions. The features include iron audio signal, LCD display and bar graph. A microprocessor monitors and stores the ground mineralization value. The graph displays the percentage of probability of iron and the amount of magnetic minerals in the ground.

Advanced gold detectors have maximum depth and super sensitive features. They have digital ground balance with switchable speed recovery. The ultra high frequency gold metal detector is designed to find gold nuggets at greater depths. They use elliptical search coils. The features include high sensitivity, high operating frequency, iron discrimination and audio boost facility. The mineralization settings may be low, normal or high. They can operate in mineralized soil with a three position mineralization switch. Some of the advanced gold metal detectors have three modes for speed tracking. Slow, medium and fast tracking modes help to improve the detecting. Advanced gold detectors can also resist dust and moisture.

Some of the advanced gold metal detectors have manual tune control feature. The manual tuner helps to select various frequency bands. Multiple frequencies help to attain more depth, sensitivity and more accurate targets. The tune control minimizes electrical interference from power lines, radar and radio transmitters. Gold metal detectors are lightweight, water proof, cancel noise and have ground balance and on board computer chip.

Twelve Ways To Make Extra Money With A Metal Detector

If you’re the kind of person who is willing to put the time and effort into finding some of that lost money, you can make extra money, fast, while having fun.

I’m not talking about getting rich here. Although I know of people who have, however, I am talking about literally picking up lost coins that have been dropped over the years.

Do you want extra money without having to work at a job you don’t like?

Do you need some extra cash to go to dinner, or to pay a bill?

Are you a coin collector who wants to add to your collection?

Or perhaps you just like the idea of finding lost coins.

If you answered yes to one or more of the above, then try metal detecting.

Not only can you make extra money using a metal detector, but you’ll also enjoy the benefits of exercise in the outdoors.

There’s no need to spend thousands of dollars on an expensive metal detector with all of the bells and whistles either. You can purchase one for around two hundred dollars. Any of the major detector manufacturers have beginner’s models for this price. And if you stay with the hobby, and don’t become discouraged, you can end up paying for that detector with your found coins.

I know retired individuals who earn extra money by using a metal detector.

Young children are fascinated with metal detectors and have fun finding coins. It’s a great hobby to start them in.

Many people who purchase their first metal detector end up with a lifelong love of the hobby and become treasure hunters searching for buried caches and lost treasures.

Ten Places To Use A Detector To Make Extra Money

Once you purchase your detector read the owners manual and learn how to use it correctly. When you’re ready to go detect’en, here’s some great places to begin. I can’t guarantee how many coins you’ll find, but over time, with practise your finds will increase.

· Parks-
· Schoolyards
· Parking Meters
· Bus Stops
· Between The Curb and Side walk
· Fairgrounds
· Beaches
· Lost and Found
· Home Sites
· Old and new Church yards
· RV Parks
· Ball Fields

Parks and Schoolyards

Parks of all types yield a constant flow of lost and dropped coins. As an added bonus, lost jewelry like gold and silver rings are also being located.

How many of us lost our lunch money while playing in the schoolyard? It still happens today.

Parking Meters

I’m not talking about stealing them. Seriously though, I know one fellow who metal detects the grassy areas around parking meters. This is an overlooked area when it comes to metal detecting. People are dropping coins not only into the meters, but onto the ground as well.

Bus Stops

Same idea as those parking meters. Many people lose change as they fumble in their pockets or purses looking for bus fare.

Between The Curb And The Sidewalk

Here’s another area that is overlooked when it comes to metal detecting. That grassy area between a sidewalk and the curbing holds many coins. And like parking meters and bus stops they are in every city, town and village.


How about detecting the area of the nearest fairground? And if you can locate an old fairground, you’ll have those old coins to pick up as well.


Any beach that has heavy use is a potential for finding lots of coins as well as silver and gold rings.

When people are at the beach and they are using sun tan lotions, the lotions make it easy for rings to slide off. If you can detect the water as well as the beach your in for some great finds.

Lost and Found

How about running an ad in your local newspaper in the “Lost and Found” section. People who have lost rings or jewelry will often pay a “finders” fee to anyone who can locate the item.

Home Sites

If you get permission to metal detect the yards of homes, especially the older homes, you’ll end up finding more than just lost or dropped coins. Artifacts of every kind can be found there. And with the popularity of ebay, anything can be sold. Just be sure to have the property owner’s permission to sell anything you find. Better yet, offer to split the selling price with them.

Old and New Church Yards

Wherever people gather they lose items. And church functions that are held outdoors are no different. If you can get permission to search the older churchyards where many picnics were once held, you’ll have loads of fun finding older coins and jewelry. RV Parks

I know a few individuals who own RV’s and they never fail to bring along a metal detector to detect the RV parks they stay at. With gas prices as high as they are today, finding coins in RV parks help to pay for that gas.

Ball Fields

Just imagine how many coins are lost while someone is sliding into home plate, or any base for that matter.

How about lost coins while playing tackle football, or running around on a soccer field. Men and women do lose coins and jewelry while participating in sports.

You can make extra money with a metal detector in many different areas. You will be limited only by your imagination. Research other areas that may interest you. Just be sure to ask for permission whenever you are in doubt of where you are going to metal detect.

Underwater Metal Detectors

Underwater metal detectors are widely used by underwater search and recovery teams. Treasure hunters, archaeologists, sport divers, military and law enforcement people use underwater metal detectors for different purposes. Underwater construction companies use underwater metal detectors for pipeline or cable locating functions.

The common features of underwater metal detectors are depth, alerts, ground balance, detection mode and sensitivity. Some of the underwater metal detectors can adjust the search depth. Better quality detectors give distinctive alerts, depending on the type of metal sensed. Underwater metal detectors have different detection modes for searching and prospecting. Most underwater metal detectors can be used on both fresh and salt water.

Underwater metal detectors are based on digital technology. They have different operating modes. The normal mode works with a single tone. Normal mode is used for beachcombing and other prolonged searches. The standard discrimination mode is for conventional pulse detection. Slight audio signals indicate small or deep targets, while strong signals indicate large targets. A discreet discrimination mode provides more enhanced and precise targets discrimination. The metal detecting unit consists of pulse width control. This feature helps to adjust depth, sensitivity and battery life of detectors. Underwater metal detectors have deep searching circuitry. Other features include operating frequency, search coil and headphones.

Some underwater metal detectors use advanced pulse induction technology. This provides more detection depth and stability in mineralized environments. The audio threshold adjustment control shows individual detecting styles. Automatic ground feature allows the user to set ground track for optimum performance. Underwater metal detectors have different control housing configurations. The adjustable operating frequency helps to minimize the electrical interference.

Advanced underwater metal detectors have electronics built into the headphones. They reduce the weight of the detector. They consist of heavy duty negative buoyancy search coil, and have crystal controlled operating search frequency. Advanced underwater metal detectors consist of permanently encapsulated high output head phone transducers. The headphone ear cups have heavy duty polymer ear surround and noise blocking features. They can also operate in beach, rain or storm. Other features of advanced underwater metal detectors are silent search, hand grip, armrest and isolator.

Metal Detecting on The Beach: find suitable metal detector

As you will often find metal detectors are used for treasure hunting and finding relics as well as there being many models and types available each will have its own set of different features, as well as the quality and reliability of each model differing also. Certainly each metal detector available has its own disadvantages and advantages.

But like many people you are unsure what kind of metal detector you should purchase and hopefully the information provided below will help you in your quest to find one that is suitable for use on a beach.

The first one we are going to look at is the White Spectrum XLT. Not only is it easy to use but it is well known for being user friendly (even a beginner should have no problems with this one). There is a manual available for this metal detector which is easy to understand. Often you will find that most people use this model when either in Beach or Jewelry mode at the beach (it also has a relic mode but this does not seem to work as well on the beach). This model has the added bonus of being very convenient to carry.

Now we are going to look at the White Pro XL 6000 which many people buy because of its look. This unlike the White Spectrum has less buttons for you to scroll through when you need to adjust or change settings. Yet it still may take you some time to familiarize yourself with all its features but once you do you will see how useful they can be. Unfortunately although the Pro XL 6000 seems to have more depth and intensity than the Spectrum, there is one fault with this model in relation to the knobs on it which can become loose and you have to be careful not to knock them when making any adjustments. Also any jarring or bumping to this model may also result in you having to start or reset any adjustments you have already made because of its knobs being so sensitive. In fact some people who use this model have found that rubber bands work quite effectively when wrapped around the knobs to stop them moving or becoming loose.

Ideally when purchasing any metal detector it is best to buy one that is light weight this is especially important when you are looking for things on either a riverbank or in a body of water. Although it is good to know how to make adjustments to the frequencies of the metal detector especially when using it on a beach it is also important to find the right place or location for using it. Preferably the modes on any metal detector should be adjusted so that the depth and intensity will be specified and clear when using in any location not just on the beach and always familiarize yourself with the metal detector you are using prior to commencing any searches so that you can get the best results possible.

Cheap Metal Detectors

Metal detectors are used to find hidden metal objects in baggage, soil, or in a person?s body. Using electromagnetic induction principle metal detectors give alarm signals to identify hidden metal objects. Metal detectors are used for various purposes such as security maintenance, item recovery, archaeological exploration, and geological research. Cheap metal detectors are available in hand held, waterproof, and walk through models. The price depends on the brand, performance and features of the equipment.

Sentrie LC is a cheap walk through metal detector which can scan weapons and handguns of up to 3.5 ounces. Walk through metal detectors are reliable, fast and have high sensitivity to all metals. During sell outs, brands such as Tesoro, Whites, Prizm series, Fisher, Garret, Bounty Hunter, and Mine lab offer rock bottom prices for metal detectors. Discounts are also available during product promotional sales. Portable walk through metal detectors cost low and they are very efficient in detecting small objects. Even though the regular price of this model is around $4800, during sales the price is slashed to about $3900.

Hand held metal detectors are cheap, lightweight, sensitive, and radiation free. This model is easy to use, reliable, and requires less maintenance. Commercial, professional, all-purpose, beach, gold metal, relic metal and 2-box deep searchers are different types of hand held metal detectors. Garret Enforcer G-2 is one of the cheap metal detectors with high quality performance.

Cheap metal detectors are also available from shops which sell used metal detectors. Price of all purpose used metal detectors ranges from $275 to $700. Waterproof used metal detectors are cheap and cost around $500. As used metal detectors have no warranty, deal with a trusted dealer. Bounty Hunter metal detectors are comparably cheap waterproof models.

A Look at Used Metal Detectors

There are many kinds of metal detectors - gold detectors, coin and jewel detectors, relic hunting detectors, beach-hunting detectors, and underwater metal detectors. Buying a metal detector can be a tricky affair. Before one decides to buy a metal detector, here are a few points to consider.

How often will it be put to use? If it is for a new hobby, it may be a good idea to buy a one with a lot of features.

Where it will be used? Will it be used on the beach, underwater, or in the woods?

Who will use it? If it for use in the family, there are detectors that have adjustable arm cups and separate pouches to mount the electronic box.

How much will you spend on a detector? It is advisable to be a little flexible in this regard so that one can buy one that most suits the requirements.

Buying used metal detectors usually offer the best value for your money. It is always best to buy used metal detectors from a respected dealer, rather than a classified ad. Most dealers offer a money back guarantee or a trade-in option. If you are buying from someone other than a dealer make sure it is someone you know and trust. Most dealers sell only tested metal detectors.

Prices of used metal detectors vary from $275 to $700 for all-purpose metal detectors. Underwater metal detectors can cost around $500. Most used accessories can cost $200. It is also a good idea to keep in mind that a used metal detector will not have the manufacturers warranty, but dealing with a reputable dealer will eliminate some of the risk.

Industrial Metal Detectors

Industrial metal detectors offer maximum protection against ferrous, non-ferrous metal, and stainless steel metal contamination. Industrial metal detectors are used in a variety of applications. The typical areas covered are food, dairy, pharmaceutical, paper, rubber, medical, cosmetics, plastic, textile and chemical industries. Industrial metal detectors are highly successful in preventing downstream equipment from damage. These are also very useful for detecting weapons and bombs in packages or on people.

Different types of industrial metal detectors including underwater metal detector, airport metal detector, walk-through metal detector and handheld metal detector are available in the stores. Underwater metal detectors are widely used to locate metallic objects under water. A walk-through metal detector can detect concealed weapons at security checkpoints. It checks the whole body for metallic objects. Handheld metal detectors are an ideal solution for metallic screening applications. They are mainly designed and manufactured for security sensitive areas such as schools, airports, prisons, courtrooms and customs. They help to pinpoint miniature metal objects. An airport metal detector is also very useful for detecting weapons. Other types of industrial metal detectors are also available in most of the stores.

Industrial metal detectors function in different ways. Handheld metal detectors are light weight, radiation free and highly sensitive. Little maintenance is required in most of the cases. Besides metal detection, a walk-through metal detector includes operator interface and/or controls, electro magnetic compatibility, environmental tolerance, quality control and assurance.

Industrial metal detectors are designed and manufactured to meet the industrial requirements of individuals. Most of these help to reduce downtime and avoid catastrophes, thereby increasing productivity. In order to meet the growing competition in the field, some of the reputed manufacturers offer discounts, free shipping services and guarantee programs. Used industrial metal detectors are also found.

Some of the leading manufacturers in the industrial metal detecting industry are Compass Metal Detectors, DetectorPro, White's Electronics, Super Metal Detectors and CEIA USA Ltd.

Metal Detector FAQs

A metal detector is an electronic device employed to detect traces of metal, generally from the ground, a person, or cargo. Metal detectors can effectively penetrate through soil, wood and other non-metallic materials.

How does it work?

Metal detectors use the principal of electromagnetism. Typically, a metal detector comprises an electronic box, transmitter, a receiver antenna and a battery case. By battery power, the transmitter generates a magnetic field. If a metal item passes through the metal detector, it becomes magnetized due to the effect of the magnetic field. On receiving the electromagnetic signature, the receiver sends a signal to the electronic box. There is a speaker to amplify this signal. This produces a beep sound, indicating that there is metal contamination.

What are the different types of metal detectors?

Depending on specific situations, different types of metal detectors are available. For example, there are metal detectors exclusively for prospecting gold. Likewise, special metal detectors are available for relic hunting. Underwater metal detectors, coin detectors, and walk through metal detectors are other prominent types. Multi-purpose metal detectors are also popular nowadays.

What is product effect?

When passing through the metal detector, some food stuffs tend to generate a signal although no metal is present in them. This is known as product effect. It is mainly due to factors including acidity, fat content, moisture content, salinity and temperature.

What are the factors that affect the sensitivity of metal detectors?

Product effect, size and type of metal contaminants, and metal detector opening size are some of the factors that affect metal detector sensitivity.

What is the warm up time for metal detectors after the power is on?

For accurate detection of metals, metal detectors must be allowed to warm up for at least 30 minutes after the power is on.

Can burned and rustic metals be detected using metal detectors?

Yes. But, the detection sensitivity is based on the shape and orientation of the contaminants. In addition, it is difficult to detect minute particles.

Can metal detectors detect non-metallic contaminants?

Metal detectors cannot detect non-metallic contaminants.

What are the accessories required in metal detecting?

Among the accessories required for metal detecting are gloves, probe, knife, gator digger, and ground cloth.

What are the precautions to be taken when cleaning metal detectors?

To clean the main unit of metal detectors, hot water less than 40 degrees centigrade can be used. The dirt and particles present in the detector head must be cleaned frequently. It is also necessary to clean its conveyor belts. Neutral detergent and a plastic brush with soft bristles can be applied for the purpose.

Advanced Coin and Treasure Hunting Tips Finding New Locations to Treasure Hunt

There will always be new and profitable locations in which you can metal detect, you do not always have to go back to the same locations time and time again. If you use some imagination there are a lot of places that you can metal detect that you may have not thought of in the first place.

There are is lot of treasure, relic, and coins that have been just a lying around for centuries waiting for you to come find them. Think about what is going on in the area that you live in there possibly could have been civil wars, festivals, and anything you can possibly think of where large gathering of people come together. When people come together people tend to lose things and their loss is your gain.

If you live near a body water or the ocean you always go to the beach to find new treasure. There will always a lot of people who come to the beach and one thing is for certain people will lose valuables on the beach. The sand also makes it attractive because the digging takes less time than it would if you had to dig through dirt. You will always be able to find watches, rings, earrings, and coins on the beach because of the makeup of the sand people easily drop and lose valuables there.

After a concert or festival you will always be able to find things such as loose coins and jewelry. This is an area that a lot of people will be congregating all at one time, a festival or concert could be a target rich environment immediately after the event. Always make sure that you are allowed to metal detect at the location before actually starting out. Another good way to possibly make money is to give the location manager your card and let him know that you would be willing to give him your findings back to him if someone called in a lost and found request.

Any place you can possibly think of and a there will always be a chance if you can find something with your metal detector. Looking for more places for metal detecting will become more profitable and enjoyable. Take some of these tips and start using them today because there is treasure waiting on you.

J C Christian is an avid follower of metal detectors and how metal detectors work. He runs an informational site that follows Garret Metal Detectors, Fisher Metal Detectors, Tesoro Metal Detectors, and Kellyco Metal Detectors just to name a few. Go to to find information to help with everything metal detecting.

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Facts Revealed Behind Metal Detecting for Newbies!

So you finally decided to take the leap and buy metal detector, trust me you will not be disappointed in the excitement and the joy that it brings. Metal detecting is a hobby that many people take up and it really you get hooked. The sheer joy and excitement that metal detecting brings in finding a treasure is enough to make anybody addicted to metal detecting.

If you are new to metal detecting here are couple tips you should know before you get started out, these tips will make your metal detecting more profitable and more enjoyable. When you are new to metal detecting it sometimes can be difficult to find good information to help you get started, but in this article we will take a look at learning the local more about the metal detector, good places to metal detect, and planning your trip out before you start.

The first and foremost thing I would tell anybody to do before starting metal detecting is after you purchase a metal detector take it home and learn all of the controls and the maintenance for the metal detector. You will be so excited when you get the detector the first thing you want to do is take it out immediately and start looking for treasure, but to maximize your time is best to learn all of the options and everything the metal detector offers to you.

Finding places to metal detect is extremely easy and after getting a metal detector here are a couple of places you can start out with. Go into your backyard and just start metal detecting, this will give you a good feel for the equipment and you may find something in the process. If you live near any parks, this is a good place to go because typically a lot of people will go to the park. If you are close to an ocean beachcombing is really popular and can yield really good results.

If you are planning on taking a trip or spending a day metal detecting, always make sure that you plan the trip out to maximize your time and once you decide the location that you are going to metal detect on, contact the landowner and confirm that metal detecting is accepted. If you are prepared in the beginning you will be able to find more treasure.

When starting out in metal detecting the first inclination is to just grab the metal detector of the box and start running across the ground. After getting over the first wave of excitement you really need to start planning on how to use the metal detector, places to look, and maximizing your time. The information you just read it is a good starting point for you if you are just beginning in metal detecting.

Buying a Used Metal Detector - 4 Tips to Make Sure You Do Not Waste Your Money

What options are available to you for buying a 2nd Hand or Used Metal Detector

You have now made the decision to buy a metal detector but are unsure whether you want to purchase a new or second hand model instead. However if your budget is a little tight then a used or 2nd hand model may be the best option for you. Below we provide you with some useful tips on when looking at purchasing a 2nd hand or used metal detector.

Firstly, we will look at what kind of metal detectors there are available. There are many types of metal detectors available and each is meant for a different purpose. However the ones that are most easily available are gold, coin and jewel, relic hunting, beach hunting and underwater metal detectors.

When considering purchasing a metal detector there are a number of factors that should be taken into account and it may be wise to consider the following points prior to any purchase.

1. How often will you use the detector? If it just to be used for a new hobby then it would be wise to choose one that offers you a number of different features and look at one that is not going to break the bank.

2. Look at where you are going to be using it the most. Will it be on the beach, underwater or in woods near to your home?

3. Who will be using it? Will it be for family use (some detectors come with adjustable arm cups and separate pouches to place the electronic box in) or will it be solely used by you.

4. What is your budget? It may be wise to compromise on your budget in order that you can purchase the metal detector which will meet the majority of your needs rather than just going for the cheapest.

When looking to purchase a second hand or used metal detector it is better if you go to a reputable dealer rather than purchasing one through an advertisement in a local newspaper. A reputable dealer will offer you a money back guarantee or allow you to exchange your old metal detector (as they will test the detectors prior to selling them) if you don't like it or find it difficult to use.

The price of a used metal detector can vary and all purpose metal detectors can range from $275 to $700, while underwater ones will usually have a price range of about $500. There are many accessories which can be purchased for your metal detector and these will start at around $200.

The only disadvantage of purchasing a second hand or used metal detector is that there will be no manufacturer's warranty with the item and as long as you buy from a reputable dealer then you know you will have some form of safety net instead (such as a money back guarantee or exchange program).

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Discover How to Find a Metal Detector Without Going Broke

If you're looking a metal detector and not looking to spend a lot of money finding one that is inexpensive and effective can be a tricky proposition. You do not want to buy one that does not work very well because that will be a complete waste of money but at the same time you do not want to break the bank buying a metal detector.

Here are some things you need to consider when looking for an inexpensive metal detector.

-Do Your Research

When looking to find an inexpensive metal detector do as much research as possible so that you do not end up wasting your money. The last thing you want to do is to get an inexpensive metal detector that will find absolutely no gold, silver or anything underground that you are looking for.

Go online and type in terms such as metal detector forums, metal detector facts, and best places to buy metal detectors. Located in some of these forms you find honest opinions about metal detectors because they typically do not have any monetary interest.

-Get the Best Deal

Always take time to look around for the best deal you can find never settle for the first thing that pops up. A good way to compare pricing is to find manufacturer number and name of it detector and type it into a search engine and you will get a whole host of websites that have pricing.

If you are not familiar with pricing of metal detectors you really never know what is inexpensive and what is not inexpensive. It is best to look at comparative shopping so you will know what the price is.

-Buy from Quality Companies

If you are looking for an inexpensive metal detector buy from a company that is very reputable. The last thing you want to happen is to buy an inexpensive metal detector that is defective and not be up to get your money back or exchange it.

Any company with a good reputation will always take back a defective piece of equipment. If you are planning on buying one online there are many websites that will give user ratings for the company.

When looking for inexpensive metal detector you have to be very careful to make sure that you do not buy something that is extremely weak or fake. Nothing can be worse than metal detecting and not finding anything, follow these tips and make sure that you get the best deal possible.

J C Christian is an avid follower of metal detectors and how they work. He runs an informational site that follows Garret Metal Detectors, Fisher Metal Detectors, Tesoro Metal Detectors, and Kellyco Metal Detectors just to name a few. Go to to find information to help with everything metal detecting.

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3 Types of Metal Detecting to Get Involved In

Metal detecting can be a lot of fun, a wonderful hobby, and can also be a way to make money if you know what to look for. They're a lot different types of metal detecting and a lot of different places you can go to metal detect. We will look at three different ways to metal detect water and beach detecting, gold prospecting, and treasure detecting.

1. Water and beach detecting

This is one of the fastest growing types of metal detecting as until recently metal detectors were not readily available for underwater detecting. Metal detectors can search at depths of up to 200 feet which is more than sufficient for your area river, lake, or pond.

If you happen to live near an ocean you are probably a big fan of both water and beach metal detecting. On the beach you have a vast area to search and the beach is very easy to dig through and locate your treasure.

2. Prospecting for gold

Individual who prospect for gold probably make of the biggest subsection of all the metal detectors. This group can be weekend warriors or people who actually make a living at metal detecting. There has been a lot of technology introduced that makes detecting at a deeper depth possible and recovery rates better.

Prospecting for gold can be a lucrative career or a good way to make some side money this is why people get involved to stay involved.

3. Treasure detecting

This is kind of metal detecting is the catch all section of metal detecting, more people are getting involved in looking for treasure, hidden relics, and old coins. This type of metal detecting can be planning a day trip or a weekend away just to look for treasure or can be just going in your backyard and metal detecting until your heart is content.

You can basically go anywhere and start metal detecting and find some type of treasure.

Where you metal detect and the places you go is completely up to you, but one thing is for certain there is a lot of treasure out there to be had if you're on the lookout you can snag it.

J C Christian is an avid follower of metal detectors and how they work. He runs an informational site that follows Garret Metal Detectors, Fisher Metal Detectors, Tesoro Metal Detectors, and Kellyco Metal Detectors just to name a few. Go to to find information to help with everything metal detecting.

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Discover Deep Treasures Below the Earths Surface-Metal Detecting Beep Beep

Metal detecting is becoming an increasingly popular hobby and with good reason because it allows you to be outside in the environment at the same time you can possibly find old relics, gold, old coins, and any other valuables that may be hidden under the grounds surface.

Listening to your signal and allowing the metal detector to tell you what is below is a skill you can be acquired by use and familiarity. There will be specific sounds for different types of treasure that lay underneath the ground. You just need to stay extremely focused on the signals that the metal detectors giving you and make a mental note of what they mean.

There are certain levels you can set a metal detector on from the lowest the highest setting. At the lowest frequency you may waste your time finding metal that is invaluable and not usable. At the same time, if you put the frequency way too high you could be missing out on a lot of valuable treasure. You need to decide after doing several searches what is the best frequency for you and what the individual beeps me.

If at all possible make sure you set of headphones to go along with the metal detector, headphones with a metal detector will give you more listening power and shield your ears from outside noises. Your ears are your most valuable asset when metal detecting if you don't want to miss anything beats good pair of headphones.

Placing the detectors as close to the ground as possible this allow you to delve deeper into the surface and hopefully you can find treasures that have been passed over by several other people.

When using a metal detector you need to pay attention to your signal and after making mental notes you may want to carry a paper log with you and write down what type of signal you heard and what you actually uncovered. You becoming familiar with your metal detector and the sounds and it makes will over time allow you to become way more efficient. Regardless, if you metal detect for the sheer joy or if you are in it for the monetary gains becoming efficient with your metal detector all depends on you becoming familiar with the sounds that it makes.

J C Christian is an avid follower of metal detectors and how they work. He runs an informational site that follows Garret Metal Detectors,Fisher Metal Detectors,Kellyco Metal Detectors ,and Tesoro Metal Detectors, and just to name a few. Go to to find information to help with everything metal detecting.

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A Review of Popular Metal Detector Products

Metal detectors come with a control box that contains the circuitry, controls, speaker, batteries and the microprocessor; a shaft that connects the control box and the coil; a search coil that actually senses the metal; and a stabilizer that keeps the unit steady as it is moved. The performances of the detectors are based on the features of these parts.

Tesoro Metal Detectors
At less than 2½ pounds, the Tesoro Golden Max lets you control what you want to find. It is the lightest detector in the market with full size depth, sensitivity, four tone audio ID and a user adjustable Notch Filter Discriminate. The Tesoro DeLeon is a Target Identification Detector (TID), named after the famous explorer Ponce de Leon, who searched Florida looking for treasure and the Fountain of Youth. The DeLeon is designed as an easy to use, turn-on-and-go detector.

Whites Metal Detectors
The Whites E-series metal detectors include the following models. DFX™ brings together the ultimate combination of sophisticated microprocessor technology, and turn-on-and-go simplicity. It has an operational frequency of 3 kHz and 15 kHz. The XLT® Metal Detector is high-performance simplicity and versatility at its best. It has five programs to choose from along with 10 Basic Adjustments, and 29 Pro Options. The MXT has three completely separate operating modes -- gold prospecting, coin/jewelry, or relic.

Prizm series
The Prizm series include Prizm II, III, IV, and V. All have a pinpoint mode that zeroes in on target location, instruction videos that show when and where to hunt.

Fisher Metal Detectors
Dr. Gerhard Fisher, a German immigrant, obtained the first patent ever issued on aircraft radio direction finders in the late 1920s. Fisher's 1266-X comes factory shipped with 8-inch Open Center Spider Coil, instruction manual and Fisher's 5 Year Warranty. It has a duel discrimination system, which will allow you to search at a great depth. This unit does not work very well on wet saltwater beaches.

Garrett Metal Detectors
The Garrett Super Scanner hand-held detector can detect a medium-sized pistol from distance of 9"" and even a tiny 1” piece of jewelry. Simplicity of operation of this metal detector is unmatched. The Garrett SuperWand Security metal detector is one of the most popular metal detectors. It provides uniform sensitivity 360° along the scan area and pinpointing at the tip to detect weapons and other metal objects with extreme accuracy. The Garrett Magna Scanner PD 6500 Walk through metal detector has some unique features. Its ultra-enhanced multi-coil detection field pinpoints the exact location of any metal object within 33 distinct areas of the archway.

Bounty Hunter Metal Detectors
Bounty Hunter metal detectors are made by First Texas Products. The Tracker IV priced at $160 is streamlined in appearance, with only two operating controls and a mode selection switch. The Tracker IV has a built-in Automatic Ground Tracker that maintains ground balance. The Bounty Fast Tracker offers value for your money. It is a user-friendly instrument that delivers effective performance over a wide range of conditions and applications.

Minelab Metal Detectors
The Minelab Explorer II priced at approximately $1395 is a coin and jewelry detector with an operating frequency between 1.5 – 100 kHz. The signal travels deeper at a lower frequency and the signal detects objects close to the surface at a higher frequency. The Minelab Quattro MP, priced at approximately $1300, is suited for use in parks, beaches or the battlefields. Minelab’s FBS technology provides outstanding performance even on saltwater beaches.

Metal Detectors Ratings

Metal detectors can be employed for a variety of applications in security, humanitarian, and industrial sectors. Metal detectors ratings are helpful for newcomers to choose metal detectors that are apt for them. Generally, metal detectors are rated by cost effectiveness, features, functions and usability.

Different types of metal detectors are available. Typical metal detectors come with less features and buttons, but some are more complicated. If a customer wishes to choose metal detectors for extended use, it is better to select those with electronic features. The price of metal detectors may vary, based on features and functions. Aside from the normal rates of a detector, the customer must also spend on headphones, beach scoops, trowels, detector bag or coil cover. A good headphone extends the sound of the warning signal.

The criteria to be considered for high ranking are usability and features. Prices are yet another consideration in metal detector ratings. Metal detectors are available from under $75. Some of the top brand names such as Garrett Master Hunter CX plus and Garrett GTI 2500, range from $500 to $1000.

The most reputed dealers offer metal detectors with sophisticated features and functions. In order to stay ahead in the competitive field, companies are searching for more innovative ideas. Some companies offer metal detectors with boost amplifier and tone control.

Metal detectors ratings can be obtained in number of ways. They often include reviews, where people can obtain an impartial overview of the benefits, features and functions of the product. Newcomers are able to get dozens of metal detector ratings from online reviewers. They publish these reviews after testing the effectiveness of the model. These reviews are one of the best options to learn about the advantages and drawbacks. You will also find plenty of informative articles written by owners of particular models.

By searching online, you can find top-ranked dealers for different ranking systems. The high ranked dealers score top ranks because of their efficient customer service. These dealers also offer some kind of warranty and discount services for their products.

Internet articles, magazines and newspapers are resources where we find informative comments on metal detectors. Some of the affordable brands in the metal detecting industry are Fisher, Tesoro, Garrett and Bounty Hunter.

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Metal Detector Reviews - Choose Wisely!

Metal Detector Reviews Are Beneficial

Metal detector reviews will help you find the best detector to fit your needs. Metal detector reviews will help you check out reliability of particular manufacturers, makes, and models. You should look at several different metal detector reviews prior to buying, to ensure you find a detector that will do all that you need it do, want it to do, all at a reasonable price.

What Will I Find In Such A Review?

Alerts: Detectors have an audio signal or beep, but by reading a review you will find out if the detector has a vibrating option, or a variety of tones to let you know the different types of metal you are detecting.

Depth: Metal detector reviews will let you know how far down (depth) the detector can sense metal. By reading metal detector reviews, you will find that some detectors can detect any metal object as deep as 12 inches, while some can not only detect, but also tell exact depth location.

Detection Mode: The metal detector reviews will also tell you information regarding detection modes. Usually there are detectors that have four different modes. These modes are relics (bullets, buttons, etc.); prospecting; coins; and jewelry. The metal detector reviews will let you know if you are able to use one of these modes alone, or if you can use two modes at the same time. If you use a single mode, you will have better success (or better chances) of finding what you set out to find.

Ground balance: Did you know the ground contains metal that occurs naturally in its soil? Detectors can tell you how sophisticated the detector is to find and cancel out those natural types of metals. The better makes and models of detectors will be able to tell you the exact types of metals you are looking for as you find them.

Battery life: Detectors will usually run on AA batteries, which will usually last approximately 20-30 hours.

Sensitivity: Metal detector reviews will be able to measure which makes and models have the best adjustable sensitivity ratings. This is an important factor when detecting, so you can distinguish between ground metals and your hidden treasures.

Display: Another topic metal detector reviews will cover is display. The display on detectors will vary from simple measures to complicated measures. Take a look at the models you are looking at to see what they have to offer in display.

Where Can I Find Good Reviews?

There are online sites offering reviews on metal detectors, makes, and models. Look at more than one site and review before making your final purchasing decision. Reviews are mostly opinions, so get a wide range to help you make your choice. You will be able to make an educated decision on your own, and have confidence it was the right one.